Skyrocket Your Preneed Sales

with a team that knows how to.

We Sell, You Get More Funerals.

Funeral professionals excel at serving families but most aren’t natural salespeople. Yet, every successful business needs a strong sales component to thrive in the long term. If you love supporting families but dislike selling funerals, we’re the solution you’ve been looking for.

We're Trained to Get More Funerals

We take a marketing-first approach to preneed, ensuring families know more about funerals before they talk to us. The result? Better conversations and more preplanned funerals.

Marketing Mindset

Educated families make better decisions. We make sure they know more so conversations come easier.

Certified Planners

We're there to walk them through it all, on your behalf, so they always leave with the funeral they want.

Licensed Insurance Agents

Offering them an insurance policy on the spot opens doors to the funeral they want with no regrets.

How it Works


We Run the Marketing

Putting your firm everywhere online is the first step in getting more families.


We Sell the Funeral & the Policy

As experts in this, we make sure every family plans the funeral they want with no regrets.


You Get Notified of New Preneeds

While we're working behind to scenes, you'll get notified when new funerals are yours.

Half the Cost, Double the Preneed

We keep your overhead low while seamlessly attracting and speaking to families as if we’re part of your firm. This means you get more support, better-trained professionals, and a stronger preneed team in your corner—all for less. Let us help you grow your business without the stress of a bigger payroll.

Our Agents Act as YOUR Team.

The best part about tagging in our agents as your preneed sales division is that a family will think of us as part of your team. We answer calls and send outbound message with your firms name front and centre. You can focus on your work, knowing you have a team of professionals growing the number of families that plan with your firm.

We're Trained to Close More Funerals

Our model is truly unique. We take a marketing-first approach to preneed, ensuring that by the time families speak with us about planning their funeral with your firm, they’ve already been educated and inspired by our robust, proven marketing strategies. This groundwork paves the way for smoother conversations and easier sales. The result? More planned funerals for your firm, driven by a process that sets families up for success from the start.


You're one meeting away from seeing exactly what's possible. Simply book a time that works best for you right into our team's calendar below and we'll see you on the call.